I have installed the fingerprint reader and the CSS on 64bit Vista. After reboot the software asks me to select yes to enroll in CSS. I do, and then it asks for my windows password, which I enter. After this a window pops up that says "Please wait while you are enrolled with CSS....." The window lasts forever. The application is taking 50 % of the CPU, but does not seem to be doing anything. I let it run overnight and it did not finish. How long does it take? Should I uninstall this, because it does not work or what?
I cleared the TPM in the BIOS, because I thought it may help. It did the same thing and has been going for hours with no end in sight.
Go to System Update and make sure have the most recent version installed. The latest version is date 8/16/07. Also, I had trouble like this because of my firewall s/w Zone alarm, if so- turn it off ans see if that helps.
http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-68471 -
I checked and I have the most recent version. Also, I am not running a firewall. Do you think I need to disable the Windows firewall? How long did enrolling take for you? before? after?
I've disabled Windows Firewall and Vista UAC. I cleared the TPM in the BIOS and the problem persists.
I'm using a Lenovo T61 7664R5G with factory Windows Vista Business installation and Client Security Solution 8.1.
Did anyone found a solution for this problem?
Help me with Client Security Solution?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by aadadams, Sep 8, 2007.