I'm strongly considering the T61 14.1" to be my next notebook. However, I have been lurking these forums religiously for maybe a week or two and found that many people have the issue of light leakage from the bottom of the screen. Is this an issue with every single T61(14.1" specifically if it matters)? Also, how serious is this problem. Does it affect you greatly?
If I do decide to buy the T61, it would be great to have an idea (mental list) of what issues to look out for within the first few days of using the notebook. Light leakage, bezel problems, etc., are some that I have read of on this forum. I was wondering if there were any others that haven't been mentioned or I haven't seen yet that could be pointed out.
The T61 is offered at a retailer called Pacific Notebooks for those who live in Toronto. I was wondering if the 21 day rule still applies to me if I buy it from this store. Any comments about this store (service, etc.) would be great.
Lastly, I suppose is a more general notebook question so I don't have to make so many threads: Is it bad to leave a notebook on 24/7? If so, is it bad even if I have a cooling pad.
Edit: I would like to know what the best thing to clean the T61's screen with is. Also, I would like to find out how to clean the inside of the computer and the fans inside so that dust does not build up in the system. What kind of tools(specific screws?) I would need and where I could get them(e.g. home hardware). How often should I be cleaning the inside of the computer?
It seems to be hit and miss when it comes to T61 problems, especially LCD ones. I personally have some light leakage, but it isn't a big deal to me and very tolerable. However, to some, any light leakage may be overboard. It's hard to say how your laptop, which already might have a different level leakage then everyone else's will affect you because we don't know what your standards are.
For instance, a guy here once complained about how his screen bezel popped when he forcefully squeezed. He felt it was a real problem with the build quality; most of us, however, felt that was the stupidest thing we've ever heard someone whine about. After all, if you apply force to something, of course it's going to give!! Anyhow, it really is hit and miss and there's no way to tell you what problems you'll find with the T61 or any other laptop for that matter.
If it helps any, there have been a sharp drop in complaints about the T61 on these forums lately. -
Help for T61
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by phomanny, Jul 29, 2007.