Hello, I am thinking of purchasing a Lenovo and would like to know which models will support 2 HDD's.
Thinking of having a SDD for the OS and a terabyte drive. One more question, I was looking at the W Series and realized it doesn't have an HDMI out. Would like to be able to hook up new laptop when at my desk to my two monitors and have the occasional ability to hook it up to my TV.
Would like any suggestions or feedback on model and configurations that might work.
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
If you remove the optical drive and install a Caddy, all ThinkPads with an optical drive will support 2 drives. The W520 should have a DisplayPort, and you can buy a DisplayPort to HDMI adapter, like 20-30 bucks.
you can also use an mSATA SSD and still have the HDD and ODD in there with the w520
If you don't need WWAN, the W520 offers a maximum of 3 drives:
1. mSATA SSD (in lieu of the WWAN device)
2. primary bay SATA HDD or SSD
3. UltraBay caddy adapter, SATA HDD or SSD
Any one of them could be a boot drive. -
I would like to have optical drive, 160 GB SSD, and a terabyte drive.
So, yes, you can still use your OD but, unless you use a SATA/USB adapter cable to make the OD an external device, you have to alternate it with a caddy HDD. In other words, the OD and the caddy HDD share a single SATA connector.
(In my case, I rarely use the OD. So, my caddy HDD claims the SATA connector for itself permanently.)
Thanks for all the help, just ordered one through the Barnes and Noble affiliated site, couldn't believe the discount
One more quick question will the W520 support a HDD with SATA 6.0 Gb/s or is just 3.0 Gb/s. -
The W520 will be able to support SATA 6.0 Gb/s speeds with a compatible drive.
its splitting hairs a bit but....you could also add an expresscard ssd (although it's not bootable) to add a fourth drive (ssd+ultrabay+msata+expresscard) there are a lot of options
Help finding Lenovo with 2 HDD
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by csteig, Mar 8, 2012.