Hi all,
I have some kind of problem with my new Lenovo T61P laptop. Hope someone can help me.
The problem is after I format my laptop and install a new copy of VISTA BUESINESS (x86 OS -32 bit) on it, I cannot work with my Microsoft notebook 5000 Bluetooth mouse. I should say I have two devices who work with Bluetooth one of them is my cell phone and the other one is the mouse, I can work with my cell phone although vista continue to asking me about provide a driver for that. For mice I can add it to Bluetooth devices but after I add it won't work and if I close my Bluetooth devices next time that I open it mouse is not listed there.
I should add that I also updated all of Lenovo ThinkPad t61p drivers and windows vista updates + SP1 for windows vista. There is no other error or problem or conflicts. And before I format the system I did not have any problem with my mouse.
Anyone can help?
No one ? any idea ?
Help - T61p Bluetooth Problem
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Hoomank, May 21, 2008.