Hello again. I have a W500 that I have never set up the fingerprint scanner for. Also I never use password to log on because I just prefer for it to run as an admin. Yes I know I'm stupid and lazy. The result is that I have neither a log in password nor a fingerprint on file. Tonight I ran System Update. I accidently included the software forthe fingerprint. I saw it when it was ill running update progress bar. I well, no biggie right? So my thinkpad restarts and I'm greeted with the dialog box for the fingerprint software. Apparently the software is active and protects my laptop. It wont log on so it kicks me to windows login screen (the prompt tells me to hit crtl-alt-delete to log in). It tellsme to log in with my windows password! But I can't do that! Help! Is there anyway to fix it or log in or set a password?thanks
I had to write this on my iPod Touch
I assume you tried clicking OK at the Windows login screen, leaving the Password blank? Since you don't have a Windows login password you shouldn't have to enter one.
I have read finger print can be disabled in the Bios. But I would be surprised it would be that easy to bypass the finger print security system.
One other idea. Press F8 during boot up and see if you can restore your system to a previous restore point. -
Previous restore should work.
Always have a backup account set up as an admin for emergencies in case something goes wrong with a profile. -
Thanks for the ideas. Ill give them a shot when i get home.Im pretty sure I did hit ok. I'm a firm believer in System Restore and can't believe I didnt try it 1st. And if that doesnt work I like Bios hyjinx...
Strangely enough it logged in without a password. I'm pretty sure I had already tried that. Alas, I managed to someohow screwed that up. Maybe I had typed a letter in without noticing.
Call Lenovo Questions. It may cost you $100.00 and usually they'll stick by you with a problem.
Help! Updated Fingerprint Software Locked Down my W500
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by LaptopGun, Sep 26, 2009.