I ordered my 1st T61 on June 07 and received it on June 18. It was fine except the screen has dead pixels. I called on June 19 and just received a brand new replacement today. Now the screen has no dead pixels, but the new T61 has no sound.
From Device manager, it shows the driver is installed correctly and the device is working properly. The mixer can show the sound level changing when I play MP3 songs using windows media player, but there is NO Sound from the speaker. No sound when I shot down or login the Windows Vista Enterprise.
I did a fresh install of Windows Vista Enterprise on the new T61 using a backup image file from my 1st T61 (Acronis 10). Two T61 have the same specs and exactly same drivers/programs...
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot,
what's with the t61 problems... good luck with the problem
Notebook Solutions Company Representative NBR Reviewer
Weird. Did you try the On/Off audio buttons, maybe it is still Of? I do not know anything else to say about it...
sean -
Ok, I get sound after I pressed the sound up key all the way up.
Sean -
LOL I know its mean of me to say this but did you REALLY have to come to the Lenovo board to realize you had to turn the speakers off of mute?
Notebook Solutions Company Representative NBR Reviewer
So Sean, my advice did work?
It is very intersting, sometimes people forget the most simple thing to do. You did a whole format and installed drivers et cetera, but you would never expect to be that easy did you.
Anyway I am happy for you, have fun with your T61. -
Sneaky_Chopsticks Notebook Deity
I find this quite amusing. It reminds me of the time where I lost my sunglasses( it was on my forehead).
Anyways, glad to see that you got it working. ^_^ -
Notebook Solutions Company Representative NBR Reviewer
Haha yes I am familiar with that: Hey where is my hat, where where. It's on your head. Oh... ok...
In his defense, this wasn't a muted volume problem. I think its a bug that lenovo (or possibly microsoft) needs to address. I tried reinstalling drivers for about 3 hours last night because I had the same problem. I made SURE that the volume wasn't muted, and tried turning it all the way up via windows' built in mixer. No luck. I just tried pounding the volume up button a few times, and now it works fine.
Help! Brand New T61, No Sound!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by sean_nj, Jun 27, 2007.