When i use headphones for my x41t, there is this constant "buzzy" and "fuzzy" sound that i hear...i change the volume to the lowest audible settings yet still hear this annoying buzzing sound. But when i take out my headphones and use hte crappy speakers on the computer, there's no buzzing sound...
ideas on what's going on? I was thinking maybe there was some dust in the headphone jack...but i blew it out and there's still the sound.
I assume the headphones work fine in another device and other headphones also buzz in your X?
yea...i've tried two different pairs of headphones which both work fine and a fairly new. whenever i put them on the x41t they buzz and fuzz...:S. since the speakers on the x41 suck...this really is not cool as i can't use headphones as well.would you kno whow to fix this?
Perhaps a driver update will help. You can always contact Leveno.
yea i've updated everything...gonna call lenovo to see what's wrong. :S
Headphone Problems For The X41t
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by mliu, Nov 19, 2005.