For the past few days, every time I put my computer into sleep mode then turn it back on a Windows problem message pops up saying: Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown. It has started to get annoying because it closes any windows I leave open on my computer. Does anyone know how to solve this problem or figure out why it keeps happening? Thank you!
Restore using a recovery point prior this behaviour.
Any Event Viewer errors?
Were you running anything just prior to the sleep mode? I remember seeing that once when I had iTunes on, so now I stop it before putting the laptop into sleep mode.
No other errors until today I received my first BSOD. I was in such shock that I did not look at what error message it was before it restarted itself. Has been fine since, knock on wood.
The only thing I usually leave open is a Firefox window, it has thankfully not happen the past few times I have put the computer into sleep mode though. It was a very weird stretch of about 3 days. -
I had the same problem.... It has to do with a microsoft update from last week that does not jive with Lenovo's bloatware. I had to restore to about a week ago, and for now I turned off the automatic updates. And now I am fine. But we had to restore it in safemode, but it kept going to BSOD if I restored in Vista.
I had two more BSOD's happen to me this morning when I tried accessing my access connections WiFi..
Has anyone else had this sleep mode problem - T400?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Y4NK335, Aug 29, 2009.