Has anybody received a notebook with the new T7800 processor in it? My estimated delivery date is 10/30.
Just curios.
I just modified my order yesterday. My ESD went from 10/23 to 11/21.
I'm beginning to feel as if I'm nevre going to see that machine. Maybe it's just theoretical? -
Perhaps I should expand the question. What are the estimated ship dates for people with T7800s on order?
I ordered mine on 9/26 and received it yesterday. My ESD went from 10/15 to 10/17 and then to 11/15. It shipped 2nd day air on 10/16.
It is good to hear that they are actually shipping them. Hopefully there aren't too many people between your order and mine.
I think I am canceling that order. -
I ordered one recently and mine got moved to 1/2/08.
This is after cancelling a WUXGA order. I've been waiting for a lenovo laptop since mid august. -
Wat is the deal with this company?
The seem completely unable to deliver -anything-.
I have an order in for an already built laptop from the outlet. My estimated shipping date has moved from a week of the order date to 13 days.
WTF? two weeks to slap a shipping label on a box and put it on the UPS truck? sheer incompetence. They must have shaved down monkeys building them for bananas over in China.
Has anybody received a T7800 (2.6GHz)?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by DBordello, Oct 18, 2007.