Upon turning on the computer today, I was greeted by the following message which appears right after the splash screen.
It basically says something like the following:
The current disk checksum does not match the calculated checksum.
I've tried to restore through Thinkvantage, which won't boot up. Also tried restoring through the physical recovery CD, which gives another error after loading windows files. Tried to load a Seagate diagnostic tool so that I can reformat the drive but that fails to load properly (it goes into the program, then it jumps out to DOS and tells me to restart the PC). Also tried to use an old XP cd with no luck either.
I think my hard drive either failed or something went to hell with all the partitions, including the hidden partition. What should I do??? Call Lenovo and beg them to send me a replacement?
Try reseating the ram
Purchase from Lenovo a set of XP Professional recovery CD's (make sure you give them the four-digit and three-letter number of the machine, i.e 6459-CTO) , and meanwhile, buy a new hard drive...I would suggest this 80 GB, 7200 RPM Seagate drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148253
Thanks Travis, I will try the RAM first. I may have gotten a bad stick.
Thanks Skeeter, I didn't really want to spend more money at this point but I'll do those as my last resort. The laptop is not my main PC so it's not crucial that I get it running again immediately but I may go find myself a 2.5" external HD enclosure so that I can try dumping data and reformatting. -
Does anyone know the chances of Lenovo replacing the laptop or the hard drive if it's still under warranty for issues like these?
I called Friday because some heavy things fell on it and messed up the HD – it was my fault. The tech said it should have held-up and is sending a replacement. Give them a call.
hey zoogle watsup. well sorry to hear that your computer is having problems. i will be able to help you with your questions.
YES lenovo will help you with problem and they will replace the HD for you for FREE. and about replacing the system they will have to take a look at the system that means that you may have to send in your laptop.
my advice is that you go into your thinkvantage suite and try to do a HD diagnostic. try it out it may work. it will tell you if ther is anything wrong with your system. if it gives you a error you are going to have to replace your HD. lenovo will replace it for you for FREE. plus call them up for new recovery CDs
and if you like you can reformat your system with ubuntu. it works trust me i have got error messages with my HD and that is how i got fix my computer
Hard disk corrupted!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by zoogle, Apr 6, 2008.