Hi all...
I own a Lenovo T60 which is running an OEM version of Windows Vista Business.
If I upgrade my HDD will I then still be able to use my OEM Vista Business or how should I proceed ?
It's fine. Your Vista will install fine. The OEM detects the brand of your laptop through the bios. So changing the HD is ok!
you can change every part except the motherboard(unless you get the same exact one) -
I have a similar question... I upgraded to vista business and got XP recovery cds for free, but thinkpads don't ship with the vista recovery discs. I know in vista there is an option for you to backup an image of the computer, but can you plop in a new hard drive and use that image dvd to install the OS? No right? Is calling lenovo and asking for free vista recovery dvds the only way?
Well, if the Vista recovery disks are free, why not?
If not, then you can give it a shot. It should work. Since, like predatorramboxxx said above, it's the motherboard that controls the OEM thing, not anything else. -
You will be able to load the oem version onto the laptop with no problem
Don't be sorry!
Well, when I made the recovery disks for my T61p, it creates 1 CD and 2 DVDs of recovery media. And I've used that to completely restore the HD. Just think of it as an OS CD, but with all the bloatware.
HDD upgrade and OEM Windows
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Laursen, Jun 22, 2008.