I bought a X230t and I took out the HDD in order to put a SSD I bought. I have backed up everything from the factory HDD. Do I need to keep the HDD for warranty purposes or can I get rid of it (sell it or something )?
I'm using the SSD and I put the factory HDD in a USB enclosure.
You don't need to keep the hard drive for warranty, as it is considered a customer-replaceable unit. However, if you need to send the unit in for warranty at some point, it would be good to have the original drive so you don't have to worry about Lenovo re-imaging your SSD with factory default.
One of the basic rules for sending one's ThinkPad for any type of depot repair is to NEVER include anything that is not related to the actual problem at hand...
Keep your HDD/SSD, any additional RAM, battery, AC adapter at home.
I've been applying this approach for a decade now and never regretted it. -
Normally, unless the part is involved in the actual problem, Lenovo will ask you not to include the battery, AC adapter, and hard drive. You can keep those.
Otherwise, no, your drive will not be wiped unless you sent it in for a software issue: Lenovo techs usually insert their own HDD in for testing hardware issues. But why take the chance? -
hard drive size: N/A etc.
Let them use *their* parts for testing...
In my case, I had upgraded with 4 memory modules and an SSD. I took all that out and put back in the original hard drive and memory for the computer's trip to the depot, so it didn't bother me that they formatted it. I was just surprised that they would see a need to do so for what is clearly a hardware problem. I also saw a post on the Lenovo forums from someone saying the depot would not work on a computer when the hard drive, memory, etc. were not provided.
This is very good to know. note to self: Remove HDD, Optical adapter caddy, RAM, replace all with stock. Remove battery, AC Adapter.
I believe that this statement originated on the ThinkPad mailing list (ThinkPad Mailing-List Archive and currently Thinkpad Info Page) but I'm "borrowing" this exact quote from Bill Morrow's ThinkPad Forum FAQs (forum.thinkpads.com • FAQ (thinkpads.com - Frequently Asked Questions)
So basically I can just sell the factory HDD and take out my SSD if I need to use the warranty service and leave no HDD or anything in the main HDD spot?
HDD required for warranty service?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by del_psi, Jul 7, 2012.