I've just got the laptop last weekend and is fiddling with it. Today in the library I notice that the hard drive tends to click when i'm on battery power. But the noise stop as soon as I plug in. I figure it has something to do with the spin down of HDD. Any solution on how to disable this feature? I don't mind losing 10 mins of battery over HDD if the noise of gaining it drives me crazy.
Thanks. I've been reading around and changing all the number in power plan (HDD never stop tada tada...) I'm in Vista btw.
Vista can be more noisy at first. Things may calm down after a bit. You may wish to diable indexing or superfetch. If it persists call suppr and they'll give you a new drive.
HDD noise on X61 when on power
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by popophobia, Jan 29, 2008.