in reference to my thread here about video driver issues-
I am wondering if anyone running 32 bit windows 7 with updated flash and ATI drivers can play a video like this smoothly in 1080p-
YouTube - Nvidia PureVideo HD 1080p Test
its pretty jerky for me, seems to play 720p fine tho
im just wondering if newer drivers really matter for this
1080p "hiccups'' every 1 or 2 seconds for me. It's not all that bad, but it's enough to tell it's not 100% smooth. That is with the ones from Lenovo. 8. something something....
How do I get a newer verison? (32bit) -
did you try the motherboard drivers from
Motherboard/Chipset > Radeon 3xxx Series > Radeon 3200 Series
or at least,I think that is what worked for me -
I've tried just about everything, but when I install it says I already have the latest version even though it is 8 something.
try to look for 10.7 drivers and see if they installed,I had to google them. I think 10.8 and 10.9 were released after I got my Momentus XT and did a fresh install,so I never tried them untill recently,but I couldnt get them to install either
HD Youtube on X100e
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by teeth_03, Sep 30, 2010.