I want to replace the HD in my t60 2623-D6U with a SAMSUNG Spinpoint M Series HM120JC 120GB 5400 RPM ATA-6 Notebook Hard Drive Will this effect the air bag thing or is that a part of the carrier and not the HD itself??
that is in the laptop, not in the HD. you'll be fine
Is there really an air bag thing? That's probably just the name. When I swapped the HD it's just a rubber seal around the HD holder. The active protection also works with other laptop drives.
is this really hardware only?
Doesn't it have to do with windows too.
I don't use windows on my x60 just ubuntu would this feature still work?
HD UPGRADE T60 - Shocking?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ibm meister, Jan 30, 2007.