Is anyone planning on or already using Ubuntu 7.10 on their thinkpads?
I already have Feisty Fawn on my t61. Which had a few compatibility issues but still works well.
Anyone have any experience with the new Ubuntu and is it easier to use and install?
i haven't had any experience myself. but i have a friend that uses it and he says it works great! same with the IT at the college. I am using Vista right now, and have thought about dual booting with Ubuntu but i would prolly not quite have enough memory..not until i upgrade anyways.
the only thing is if you are planning on doing any gaming ubuntu really isn't the way to go.
by the way- how does feisty fawn work? and do you have to pay for that one or is it free like ubuntu's. -
Sorry I should of been more clear. Feisty Fawn is the current Ubuntu 7.04 so its definitely free!! Right now I'm using Virtual Box to run Ubuntu 7.04. It took awhile to get it set up and has a few minor problems. But it runs great. I recommend it especially when i feel like Vista is going down hill and Linux is just as easy to use with a lot more features. (although you're right it isn't for gamers...yet)
I was just wondering about 7.10 because I think I'll end up duel booting with it depending on how stable it is. -
I am running Gutsy while replying this post.
It works great on my T61p. There are a few minor problems here and there, but nothing serious. The reason I installed Gutsy instead of Feisty was because the wireless and sound card didn't work in Feisty, and they work automatically in Gutsy. -
Do you have the nvidia video and 4695 AGN? I have tried to install but have run into config issues. Any help would be appreciated.
so what exactly are the issues with dual booting Vista nd Gusty?
I'm still getting my T61 up fully working with Gusty but its going ok so far. I had to do the bug bypassing for my video card from Thinkwiki but now Compiz-Fusion is working fine. I'm still working on getting sound from my speakers and the track point scrolling to work though.
I've ran into quite a few crashes so far though, but I expect it'll be fixed by the time its out, or I hope at least. Its worth it using the beta rather then trying to get a X3100 and a 4695 AGN working under Feisty if you happen to be running the same specs. The wifi led doesn't work but the card works fine. -
The 4965AGN works automatically. -
I have been trying to get 7.10 to run in VMware on xp for the last 3 weeks. I can get it to load but it says there are 500 updates available. I click update and enter my sudo password but then the VM locks up. It downloads about 100 meg of the updates before it locks up. Has anyone got it to update in Vmware? Using a T61, intel video, 2 gig ram, 2 ghz core 2 duo.
edit, I have reinstalled Vmware, redownloaded the 7.10 alt install cd, reinstalled 7.10 3 times, none of these helped. -
After getting the Nvidia drivers installed in 7.04 i did not want to touch anything. I went through some instructions on installing the drivers for 7.04, I am hoping the same instructions should apply for 7.10 installation.
Does hybernation work with 7.10 ? -
I'm running Gutsy at the moment and all works pretty well. Except that they black listed the X3100 video driver for 3D. If I recall, the reasoning has something on how the driver works with EXA or some such. Though if I update the blacklist it works. I did experience some issues with it though. Some Java dialogs do not render the components, so I keep the 3D turned off for now.
I really hope they get it fixed as I am really pleased with the 3D performance of the integrated graphics. Ok, perhaps I should explain, I run only linux on this machine and its not used for gaming whatsoever. Its used for development work and as my main workhorse system. -
i removed vista on day one, and have been running gutsy since june
Can you install GRUB to the MBR on Thinkpads?
I got burned hard getting Gentoo & SuSE working on my Mac Book Pro because you can't install to MBR on that machine (I guess that might be because of EFI).
Ultimately I went with Feisty Fawn, it was the only distro that was smart enough to install GRUB directly onto the Partition (I realized that was what i had to do after the fact), and have not looked back since.
I plan on getting Gutsy going on my thinkpad once it arrives as it will be formally released by the time it gets here! (11 more days to 7.10 release!) -
- -
do gusty gibbon or ubuntu work with playing Halo or neverwinter nights..or not?
For Halo, the short answer is no, although you may be able to find luck with Cedega by Transgaming. The former link will refer you to Halo's ratings on the Cedega Engine, and it doesn't look pretty. -
k with that said which operating system like feisty fawn or gusty or ubuntu or any like it will work with halo or halo 2? does anyone know?
anybody have the full version yet?
any change? -
The biggest problem I have with non-beta 7.04 and all of the 7.10 releases is that they won't boot into a gui. I have the ATI X1400 so my work around is to install 7.04 beta then either update 7.04 or to 7.10. I'm just waiting on ATI to release 8.42. From what I have seen so far with 7.10 I really like it.
Scott -
Yeah - ATI's next graphics driver is SUPPOSEDLY going to contain the right support for Compiz/etc... Here's to praying. Heh - I won't get to try it though, since I "lent" my brother my T60p ... no more ATI for me. I'm running a T61 14.1" wide with Nvidia now, so no ATI for me
anyone else with a T61 , 140M, Atheros a/b/g getting black screen of death when trying to install?
has anyone tried installing 7.10 on a T60 with ATi graphics? It took me a while to get the workaround to get 7.06 on mine. I would really like to know if I can install 7.10 without any problems / workarounds.
The only way that I can install ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10 on my T60 with X1400 is to install 7.04 beta and do the upgrade.
I found it impossible to get beryl working on my desktop machine when I installed 7.04 awhile ago. At first it would exhibit the terminal without a gui.
I remember I had to go under xorg configuration wizard and switch to a different video driver.
Try looking up your machine on Thinkwiki and search the Ubuntu docs for getting your ATI graphics cards to work. Also good luck getting workingI hope AMD's new drivers help.
i installed it two days ago on my z61t, and it works great, except it does not recognize my atheros (thinkpad) a/b/g/n card. looks like i'll have to use ndiswrapper again
Gusty Gibbon??
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by theglidd, Oct 5, 2007.