Anybody else have the red part of their "Graphics by ATI" sticker rub right off? Mine rubbed right off when I moved my hand across it on the second day of owning the laptop. It was not unusually hot or anything like that either.
The stickers are pretty low quality. They look shiny, but the adhesive used is isn't the best. A contrast to the Centrino sticker, which seems to be super glued onto the plastic. I also have a bluetooth sticker. The problem with that is that the protective film seems to be coming off. Yes, thats right, my bluetooth sticker has a protective film on it.
Yeah my ATI sticker came off after 7 months of using the laptop. Like Zero said the Centrino sticker is pretty good. That one is still doing good along with my Windows XP sticker. My laptop has bluetooth but I never got a sticker for it :'(
Tim -
lappy486portable Notebook Evangelist
I got 4 stickers on my, and the Lightscribe one is just about coming off. The rest are still intact, and look quite nice actually. I actually like them.
I took the stickers off a few days after getting my laptop. It looks better now, plus my left hand is more comfortable.
I suppose taking the stickers of is the best thing to do. It will probably also help the plastic stay the same colour to the plastic under the stickers. On some notebooks I have seen, the plastic gets darker around the stickers.
I used my fingernail, then rubbed my thumb over any residue quickly back and forth. It comes off pretty easily.
I was able to take off the core 2 duo and windows vista compatible stickers without damaging them (using my fingernail) and I decided to put them on the bottom of the laptop for now :-o I like the new, cleaner look up top.
yeah i took all of mine off as well.
i didn't get a vista sticker though...
Graphics by ATI sticker rubbed off
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by The Oatman, Dec 17, 2006.