I got my T60p exactly 7 days after placing the order and 4 days after my credit card was billed.
I will post a forum wide review at a later time. I can say this machine is built like a tank. It is whisper quiet and reasonably powerful. It's a huge pain that Lenovo lets software vampires like Symantec to load their programs
So far I like it. The only think I can't say is whether or not it will last like my T21 did.
I would like to recommend that you update your software ASAP, that is, after you've removed all the software you dont want. The easy way to update is just to download Easy Update 3 from Lenovo's website and just running it. That's my #1 tip to any new Lenovo owner
I wrote a review and submitted it to NBR about a week ago. Waiting for it to be posted...
Got my T60p
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by alland, Mar 10, 2007.