Arrived yesterday afternoon, spent the whole evening to load it up. No dead pixels, working perfectly!
Three things to complain about:
1. The windows authenticity sticker got two holes on it, looks like somebody had dragged on some surface and even exposed those two threads embedded in the sticker.
2. under the right hand rest, there is a light scratch, I guess that what the assembling worker did.
3. Vista capable or premium sticker isn't there, don't know why... will call Lenovo about Vista upgrade info. Probably Lenovo still has tons of Designed for MS-XP stickers in stock.
4. 1400x1050 does make the text a little bit small... will need sometime to get used to... I am not too old, 31, but almost always need to stare at the screen these days.
Nonetheless, really love this thing and it has met 95% of my expectations...
Congrats, it's a fine machine. When I first got the 15" SXGA+ T42 I thought text would be too small, but I quickly adjusted and have now moved onto a 14" SXGA+ which seems fine to me.
Call Lenovo to get Sticker. its ur right to have it. -
ok, I am not mean Sticker, it is an express upgarde code. you can not upgrade to Vista if you dont have this number.
Had been working and typing on this computer all morning... and yeah, I am getting there... it's becoming more and more comfortable... now when I look at the XGA that my old laptop has, errr.....
I've benefited a lot from the posts by abaxter and ZaZ on deciding to buy this machine, thanks bunch guys! -
I also have the holes in my sticker...
Hey wig can we get a quick review of the screen?
Are there any resolution options to chop off the top and bottom of the screen in order to simulate a widescreen display?
my screen looks almost the same.
However, you would certainly not to expect it perform the same as those glossy screens on the stores shelves. But if you are looking for something that you can work on for a long time on a daily basis, I would say this screen will sure meet your requirements. The matt screen won't reflect too much light that can badly strain the eyes if using it for too long. -
Congratulations, I am waiting on my T60 eagerly
The hole of Genuine windows sticker is purposely made like that to expose the anti-pirate silk lines (Like those in cash)
I guess you seldom use genuine software to recognize this trick
Is there an image of this sticker anywhere? Is this authentic sticker proof that an authentic version of XP is on the machine? (With an authentic sticker?)
The windows sticker has a product key, with hole exposing silk lines
Here is a similar sticker image online, but without anti-pirate tricks: -
You T60 looks very similar to mine. What is your model number?
Is it 2613-CTO? -
A friend of mine also got his T60 today and the sticker looks like mine, only there is one hole.
Got my T60
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Wigner, Dec 6, 2006.