Anyone know of a surefire way to get the free waived? I'd like to return the X220 for the backlight bleed and loud fan and a number of minor issues but I know that when I call tomorrow and explain, they'll just say the most they can do is send it in for repair.
So does anyone have a way to get it waived? Is there some kind of a magic excuse?
Create a case number with technical support for all the issues you're having. Give that case number to post-sales cust service and request a refund in the politest way possible. That's worked for me.
I'll give that a try. Thanks
Some AMEX cards have return protection and you can claim it with them to get a refund for the restocking fee from AMEX.
If you bought it with an AMEX card. -
Yeah the American Express refund is quite nice. But I paid with MC.
I decided to keep it after all. The TrackPoint is just so nice! There's really no going back from here on out. It's better than a real mouse! I even have a trackball mouse at home and this beats even that.. very ergonomic and comfortable. You don't need to move your entire wrist around or entire thumb. Just a millimeter with your index finger.
Guess I'll wait several months and send it in for a screen replacement. Hopefully by then Lenovo would switch manufacturers or versions
Getting the restocking fee waived?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by thecrafter, May 12, 2011.