Ok So i just bid on this IBM t43 laptop. Just wondering if theres anything that i have to do, or backing up the system before i use it. I heard theres no recovery disc, so im kinda wary about using it. thanks!
Burn off the recovery CDs and the drivers folder.
And besides, the IBMTOOLS folder.
What I did after buying the T43:
Killed the HPA (it is dmanly slow to recover system with it, and take up great deal of volume, I always use ghost), Format the Hard drive, divided it into 3 volumes, c: d: e:.
Installed windows 2003, I used to use this, it is really stable and a little more effective than winxp, but the cost is IBM's R&R, and Client Security softwares won't run on this system. Anyway, I do not need either of this.
Getting a T43 soon, anything I should know before using it?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by snowpeas, Nov 30, 2005.