Well i'm going to college this fall for areospace engineering and i need a laptop. I'm ready to buy a r61 (2.4ghz, going to replace all the ram with 800mhz ocz later, 160gb hdd, wsxga+. quadro 140m ect) for 888.26 shipped. I'm slightly concerned about the screen as I also do some pro photography and will use this in the field to upload the photos and edit them in cs3 and lightroom. On the AreoE side it will be working in solidworks and similar programs.
Should I jump on this price or wait a month and a half or more for the new systems? I have a feeling that they will be in the 1300 range for the same thing then as this is 40% off.
Any suggestions?
Well, if you're going to be using Solidworks you should make sure you get a Quadro video card. Some CAD/3D programs won't run without one. Quadro cards will also speed up the rendering process, but they usually cost a little more than their gaming-equivalent Geforces for that reason.
yeah i'm getting the dedicated in there forgot to add that.
800 mhz memory would be a waste as the FSB does not support that frequency.
will the prices go down next month when montavia (sp) comes out?
Get one now?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by BionicSniper, Jun 4, 2008.