How do I know if an Adapter is genuine? I bought something that had ibm labels and everything I thought it was genuine, but it broke way too easy. Did last a good 6 months though. Now my brother bought another adapter the seller say's it's genuine IBM, but I'm not sure how to check. I could look up the parts number, but that could be faked too.
Whether it's "fake" or not is overshadowed by the concern that you have the tip polarity and voltage correct. You don't want to blow out something on the insides. These computers may or may not be protected by a fuse but even if they are if some incorrect voltage sneaks past before the fuse breaks the circuit you could burn out something sensitive and probably pricey.
It is not always easy to check it is best you get the adapters from lenovo or marketplace
Unless I'm missing something it _is_ easy to check. A $5 multi-meter from Harbor Freight ought to work fine for this.
I just checked a 20% off ad for a lenovo 90W ac/dc adapter on NBR. $90!!
I bought a DC adapter car adapter on eBay from Hong Kong which was advertised as for a T400. Turned out it wasn't - it's a universal adapter with various tips and voltage settings. Dangerous if one isn't careful. But it appears to be very well made, stable and was only about $12 with shipping. Requires care though.
If the company is paying for it, who cares. Go Lenovo.
Genuine AC adapter?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by graycolor, Mar 2, 2011.