I am looking at either a G470, Z470 or Z370. A couple questions.
1) based on my search (maybe search don't work on this forum), why does nobody have one? I can't be the first to consider purchasing one of these.
2) To someone who has seen one.. How does this Dark/Charcoal Brown look? I have seen pics, but they are a bit deceiving. Is it really a brown!? I can't fathom carrying around a brown laptop.
3) How is the build quality of the G or Z series? Anything to be concerned with? Any factor in one or other series that would lean you one way or the other?
oh and one last general question. I see Lenovo has some new coupons today for 0901. I assume they will be gone tomorrow. Do they typically have holiday sales?
G series is pretty crap which is a given for the price. The Z series is okay but not amazing, they are the ODM machines.
I saw a Z570 in person and was actually impress. Seemed pretty solidly built. Made me get off my Thinkpad soapbox for a couple of minutes.
G or Z series, 370 or 470
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ah82, Sep 1, 2011.