I was wondering if Lenovo will implement the IPS Flexview screen on their T61 notebooks. So far, the 14 inch Widescreen notebooks don't have it.I heard many good reviews about the Flexview screen. Is it worth the $200 extra dollars?
Probably not. Lenovo is phasing these out as they claim that they cannot obtain a reliable supply of the screens. Check this out for more info: http://www.lenovoblogs.com/insidethebox/?p=75
They really are quite beautiful screens and many customers have complained about phasing them out. I guess we can only hope that they will change their minds. -
How does it compare to the default screen?
I wonder if Lenovo has plans for LED backlit screens.
They're suppose to be brighter, more even, and use less battery. Here's to hoping when I'm due for an upgrade. Though we might have organics by then. -
The brighter the screen, the worse the battery life. Pick your poison.
Yeah the battery won't last as much as it does on regular LCD but I always have been jealous of other brand laptops with brighter LCDs.
I guess I'll see how much I like it as soon as my T60 comes out. -
Yes, there will definitely be IPS Flexview on T61, in 15" 4:3 aspect. It's going to be available shortly to corporate (read expensive) accounts. I dunno iwhether it'll eventually show up on the website.
Flexview on T61?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Leon, May 13, 2007.