I was wondering if anyone who has a Flexview screen can comment on the the degree to which the picture quality degrades when moving away from the native resolution. I can handle modifying regular text for reading with changin the resolution, but was thinking that with most any Thinkpad graphics card I am not going to be playing many games above XGA resolution. I play RPG's and RTS's so nothing super heavy, but am afraid of the reported bluriness of shifting the resolution.
PS - This is in part to help convince me that I dont need to get a glossy screened laptop with a heavier card just to play any games!
Glossy = sucks (If I want to see a mirror, I'll go to the bathroom, thank you)
FireGL V3200 = sufficient for gaming (I can play DOOM3 on lowres on my 9600 just fine)
Games look fine at lower resolution, because they interpolate everything anyway. It's the desktop (text, mostly) that looks bad, so stay on the native res. Might raise DPI if text is too small. -
It is definetly a little fuzzy. You can always up the DPI if needed.
Flexview and Lower Res
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Seefree, Nov 26, 2005.