There's a flood of T60p Flexviews on ebay. Just saying...
Thors.Hammer Notebook Enthusiast
I've always wanted to purchase an old T60/61 with a flexview and I see them occasioanlly on the bay and craigslist, but since I'm buying it for that nice flexview screen I'm always concerned about faded CCFL backlights or a not bright enough screen.
Is there anyway to replace the CCFL unit? Then I would have no qualms about buying one and cleaning it up/fixing it up. -
Thors.Hammer Notebook Enthusiast
I talked with one of the guys selling a bunch of T60p's right now. Apparently these machines came off a big government lease and most of the machines are in really good shape.
Looks like most of the auctions are ended between 200-240. Pretty good deal for a classic.
See 15" Lenovo ThinkPad T60p Notebook 2.33GHz 2GB 120GB ATI Graphics (0882861869183) | eBay for example. I have not seen prices and apparent quality like this in some time. I say apparent because I haven't personally seen them up close. -
Laptop Repair Help How to replace laptop backlight lamp (CCFL)
bit nerve wracking sometimes but yes. -
I bought a 2007-YS3 a couple of months ago for $240 (w/o HD), quality was really good, keyboard looked like brand new, the place I bought it from told me they had thousands of those in stock.
I gotta say it does look more involved than anything else I've done. I've stripped my T400s down to the screws and wires when it comes to the base.. but usually when I disconnect the hinges I leave the monitor intact, never actually taken it apart! However I'll sit on this for a while, keep my eye out for a appropriate machine. Did they offer the flexview with integrated graphics?
I noticed the yellowing backlight too, but after a monitor calibration it made the screen whiter (visually very similar to the brand new x220 I bought for my wife), at the sacrifice of high blue dE value. I think it will serve me well long after Ivy Bridge is released.
how can you tell if a t60/p has flexview?
I think the T60p flexviews are UXGA (1600x1400) and the T61p flexviews are SXGA+ (1400x1050)
Did the flexviews all come with discreet graphics options? that could help in filtering through products, lots of sellers don't state the resolution or flexview feature, but they put if it has an ATI/Nvidia or integrated.
I would really like to pick up a T60, without discreet graphics and with a flexview screen. I'm not sure what internal hardware changes were done between the T60/61 though, and if it's better to get a 61 over a 60 because it will have more longevity as a machine, or to get the 61 because it has an awesome resolution. -
T61p doesn't have flexview. Only T60/60p does.
TFT display - ThinkWiki -
Thors.Hammer Notebook Enthusiast
Thanks -
Flexview T60p's everywhere
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Thors.Hammer, Dec 23, 2011.