I found the fingerprint software in Start\ThinkVantage\Lenovo Fingerprint Software, and swiped my finger (which it recognized).
How do I get it to log-in with my fingerprint reader at startup?
what do you currently use at start-up/logon?
i have the same problem i just use a typed password to get in but would like the finger scan.
Any solution to this?
Oh Sorry, forgot:
Open up Lenovo Fingerprint Software
swipe finger or type pw
authentication> windows authentication >
check "use finger print scan instead of..."
restart comp or logoff to test -
i am in the process of trying that out now ... lets see
I tried that an hour ago and just did so again. It still doesn't work, and I can log-in to the admin account just by clicking on "Administrator".
it worked thanks a lot keltix....... ohh and for any one who it looking the step by step:
2.all programs
4.ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software
5.user enrollment -
control userpasswords2
check "users must enter a username and pw..."
restart -
Works, thanks
Fingerprint reader on XP w/ T400
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Arez20469, Sep 9, 2008.