Hey there. I don't show it on my sig, but I have a T40 that has unfortunately been gathering dust in my drawer for about a year. It suffered the infamous BGA problem with the onboard graphics card, and I ended up screwing up the motherboard while attempting a reflow repair.
I am currently running a Dell XPS M1730; wonderful, high-powered machine, but I am thinking about repairing the T40 to use as a machine when I need something more... portable. I have found a Craigslist ad selling (used)T43 motherboards for $100. Am I correct in assuming the T43 board will work in the T40 chassis with its current components(512MB RAM, 1.6Ghz Dothan processor, a/b wireless card, etc)? Also, is the T43 also susceptible to the BGA issue as well? Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks!
SpacemanSpiff Everything in Moderation
No. T43 uses DDR2, while a T40 has DDR.
Also, a T40 (at least originally) has a Banias, not a Dothan. There were two different groups of Dothans made, with different FSB speeds--one set for the Carmel platform, and a different set for the Sonoma platform (the T43s). -
Excellent... that was what I was needing to know. So, essentially, to use a T43 mobo in this chassis, get DDR2 RAM as well as a Dothan processor for the Sonoma platform.
Are there any other system boards that seem to have evaded the BGA issues, or is this a platform-wide phenomenon?
Few questions about T4X notebooks?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by LegendaryKA8, Sep 9, 2008.