I think I just bricked my Y560. I made an update to bios 59 with a backup of the current bios at the same time. After 1 hour of using bios 59, I don't know why, but I decided to rollback to previous bios. This is where I think I made the biggest mistake. I used the Bios.BAK file without modyfing its extension. All 33 blocks were written ok or so the application said, but the laptop froze after this.
After trying to make it restart without succes, I unplugged it.
Well, now it doesn't do anything, I'm lost! Will I be able to recover it without sending it to Lenovo?
You rolled-back? I thought you can only reload the old version, no? Is there a “roll-back” option?
Does your computer do anything when powering on? Does it freeze at OS boot or is it completely unresponsive?
In the first case, can you get into BIOS and load defaults?
Or, can you download the old from Lenovo and reload it (not the .bak)?
If nothing else works (or in the second case above), you will probably need to reset the BIOS. Know your way around the mobo (a manual would be of great help) and perhaps even need to jumper it. -
I haven't tried this myself but assuming the Y560 is using a Phoenix BIOS you can try and use the Phoenix Crisis Recovery tool to see if it can do a recovery flash. More info on the procedure here.
The laptop doesn't do anything. I already tried Crisis Recovery Tool with a USB Flash drive, with all the key combos (Fn+B, +F, +Esc, Win+B, Win+F, Win+Esc), the laptop is dead.
I'm assuming an external FDD won't do the job better, as the laptop doesn't even start. If someone know that a external FDD might still do the trick please come forward.
I saw that there are plenty people on the internet that had the same problem after trying to update bios. -
Is it still under warranty?
Yes, it's only a month old. Problem is I'm in Eastern Europe and the laptop was bought in US. Monday I will find if the warranty is covered here. If anyone has a link to check this, please tell me. Maybe I can input the S/N and find out the warranty conditions.
Try this site to check the warranty for your IdeaPad - Lenovo Ideapad Support.
I don't fully understand.
"Service offering registered with this machine
Service offering name IdeaPad Warranty
Service offering description IdeaPad Warranty service"
Today I found out that I might have a chance if I remove the CMOS battery for a few minutes. If I only knew how to get to it... -
Lenovo Ideapad Support & downloads - User Guides and Manuals
have a look at the hardware manual. -
Unfortunately removing the battery didn't work, but your link was very helpful. Thank you!
Solved here locally. I'm happy again. BIOS flashed by a well trained guy.
Failed bios update :(
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Lao, Oct 14, 2010.