Hi, I'm a new member and just got my Y470 last month.
The FN key + F9 pauses my music and then opens up this Windows media player set up, if u continued the set up it will open Windows Media player all the time. I don't use Windows media player so i would like to know how to make it stop popping up. Because I play games with my Y407 and sometimes i would like to pause it but with out interference.
Thank you
1) Open regedit
2) go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer
3) locate the key called "Installation Directory" and rename it to "Installation DirectoryBAK" to make a backup
4) create a new string key called "Installation Directory"
5) edit it and put whatever path you want, but different from the one from "Installation DirectoryBAK"
6) close the registery and give it a try !!
(from the Lenovo Community Forums) -
Thank you soo much it works...
but i deleted the Installation Directory instead...
Also i dont have a BAK... by any chance do u know how to restore it? or maybe know how to create a new one?
The pausing of the music works without interference though.
Thank you! -
I just got another problem after this...
my fan adjustment speed is not changing anymore (done see the thing on the screen) nor does my contrast level doesnt show on the screen.
Turing off the screen (FN+ F2) works but it doesnt show on the corner of the screen the little grayish black box that always shows when turning the screen back on.
Is it because i deleted the reg file for the music pausing and playing?
It was working fine, until i turned off my laptop and turning it on now, it doesnt work.
Can anyone please help me with my FN functions?
Thank you
-jumbjumb -
I think it must be the drivers, cause I did the same mod and so far everything is working perfectly.
what do i have to do then?
Because i would like to get them back... make my laptop back to factory state?
Or should i fix my Reg back to normal? which i cannot do because i forgot to make a BACKUP .reg...
Because i need to change my fan speed to high at all times, because i live in a country that can burn my laptop in 30 minutes, with a Laptop cooler... -
There should be a partition in the HDD that has all the drivers and apps, I know one of the was the one key theater driver, try running that... if it doesn't work, try restoring using windows system restore and go to a day prior to the reg edit... if all else fails... a restore may be the only option.
I did a system restore from last week and a factory restore today. But i still cant use the One Key Theater and the fan speed adjustment... i jsut lost all of my files... soo what should i do now?
I did the Onekey Back up, initial backup.
I need the onekey theater and the OneKey Fan speed adjustment...
Can anyone help me? -
have you tried to set another media player as default?
"FN" Keyboard help Y470
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by jumbjumb, Jul 26, 2011.