So, a couple of months ago I dropped my backpack which had my laptop in it. It broke a little plastic piece on the side and bent the internal frame a little bit, but it still worked perfectly. I finally got around to taking it apart and bending the frame back a little bit, gluing the plastic back together, and putting some more thermal compound on my heat sink. I also took the plastic off from around the monitor to work on some stuff up there.
When I put it all back together, it booted up fine and runs fine. The only problem is that the monitor is about 1% of it's normal brightness (almost black). Right now, I'm typing off of my external monitor which is working great. The problem is that I don't have laptop monitor. Does anyone have any ideas what might be the cause of the problem? Is it fixable? The machine is the one listed in my signature and is not under warranty.
The fact that the screen still displays, albeit very dimly, indicates that your backlight is not working. You may or may not be able to fix that: you can open it up again and check if all the monitor cables are connected (refer to the Hardware Maintenance Manual, if you haven't been doing so).
If it still doesn't work, you may have damaged it when you were servicing your T400, and you may need to replace it.
Also, which screen do you have? WXGA or WXGA+, and LED or CCFL backlit? -
Alright...I will have to try that. I have the WXGA+ LED screen
Just sat down and took it all apart. I found a loose/disconnected wire strip (the main one to the monitor). It was behind a piece of tape and I didn't notice that it came loose earlier. I put everything back together and it works great. Thanks
Extremely Dim Monitor Backlight
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Jeff91, Feb 12, 2011.