I have a y460 currently hooked up to external logitech speakers Z2300 through the 3.5mm jack on the laptop.
I am getting a popping feedback sound through the external speakers when new audio first initiates.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the audio driver. I tried plugging the external speakers and computer into different outlets. Still having the problem
Any ideas?
Are you getting feedback from anything else? (Headphones, etc.)
I think it has to do with the sensitivity of your audio equipment. One user was complaining about his W520 doing that. I haven't experienced it until this weekend when I plugged in the Skullcandy Ink'd earbuds into it, and indeed, it does have a quite popping sound. With my normal headphones, 110dBA sensitivity I believe, at around 50% volume on the in line control, I don't hear it.
Problem is definitely the laptop. I tried out my other logitech speakers, x 230, and same problem with these speakers also. My other laptop works fine with both of these speakers.
Called up lenovo. they were of no help. offered to let me send in the laptop free of charge for service. doubt they will be able to do much with it, but will prolly give it a shot anyway on the off chance they can do something with it.
Any other ideas.
External Speaker Feedback y460...Help
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by azmtbiker, Oct 10, 2011.