I got the y580 with no mSSD and 750GB HDD but I bought a 64GB mSSD that I installed myself and migrated the whole OS to it, but I was wondering if instead of migrating I could just easily wipe out the mSSD, go back to HDD, install RapidDrive to merge HDD+mSSD and have almost SSD-like performance withouth affecting other things (like OKR)
anyone please?
I basically want to enable Lenovo's RapidDrive technology after I install my own mSSD keeping the factory HDD. Want to get user inputs on pros and cons if possible. Also I would like to know if installing the app is just as simple as running the .exe file or do I need to do some intensive tweaking.
Enabling RapidDrive after installing own mSSD (Y580)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by sensei22, Dec 7, 2012.