Hey Everyone,
I know a lot of people have been complaining about the E420's screen. The general opinion seems to be that the InfinityGlass displays are not very good, and that one should opt for the AntiGlare display instead.
So whats the VibrantView option on the lenovo site? Is it just another name for Infinity glass or is that another type of a screen ? I see this option under the E420 displays:
Antiglare, Midnight Black
VibrantView, Midnight Black
The Infinity glass option only is only for the 420s models? Does that mean the E420 has better screens than the 420s?
So whats the deal?
Yes, a lot of people here chose to see the glass as half empty. VibrantView is Lenovo speak for glossy. I haven't seen any of the screens, but based on past experience, I'd say the chances that one screen is significantly better than the other is small.
So if I go for the 420 glossy display... Any idea what to expect? Even if the colors arent better, i assume unlike the matte it would have no grains correct?
E420 : InfinityGlass vs AntiGlare vs VibrantView
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by DeusEx, May 25, 2011.