I just reimaged my X41 Tablet with the partition recovery, (don't have the disc). I run the IBM (system update) and updated my drivers, I also ran the Windows updates. No my tablet buttons don't work and neither does my pen, and I get ramdom lock ups.
I realize the X41 Tablet is an older model, but anyone have this same issues in the past??
Wow??? No one?? Well, I have not been able to solve the problem, I have done a complete wipe and installed a Bogus copy of tablet, (can not activate) and still don't get any interaction from the stylus. I tested the stylus with my X60 and it works great. So it is not the stylus, has anyone had the issue with the screen "just simply failing" and no longer working??? Is there any way to test it, I don't know what to do at this point. I am thinking about just installing XP Pro and let it run as a regular notebook. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Well, I installed a copy of Vista Ultimate, which I really did not want to do, since Vista is a RAM hog. And straight off the bat, when Vista started up, the pen worked. No issues. I could write, open programs, close programs.
I don't know what was missing in XP, that vista covered. -
I wish I could help, but I've never owned a Tablet. You might want to post this on TabletPCReview.com or ThinkPads.com, where you're probably likely to find more people with a X41t.
I appreciate the comments and thanks for the advise (especially on other post), the X60 Tablet is working great, only can't go mobile, still need to get a battery, but look at that next month.
If you've done a factory re-install and it's still not working, my guess would be there's something wrong with the hardware, but your guess is as good as mine, probably better, as to what it is.
I'd keep an eye on the Lenovo Outlet for a battery. Sometimes they're very cheap there. -
See, that is the thing, I think you are right, in XP Tablet, not working, I reimaged and reimaged, no success. I decided to put in Vista Ulitmate, since I have a copy, not using it, (uninstalled a long time ago), and the tablet function worked off the bat, BUT,,,,,, I noticed as I was installing programs, Office 2003 & 2007 and other programs, that it would not work, then it would work. So that begs the question, does the touch screen go out (on and off) or did pen go out. It really does not matter in the long run, I am giving the X41 Tablet to my son, (got a summer job taking notes for the athletes at the local university). So hope it will not go out on him frequently.
Batterys are too expensive at the outlet, I have seen them on ebay for about $20 less, but thanks for the recommendation. -
Well, if you're looking for a genuine battery, they're as cheap as they get.
Drivers or Windows update turn my tablet into a notebook.
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by EspiOne, Jun 13, 2010.