I love my T400, the size and weight is perfect.
However, my vision is less than ideal... and I often find that 1280x800 res on this 14.1" screen leaves fonts just too small. In many apps you can zoon in and "expand" the resolution, but it's only for things in that window.
Unfortunately the next screen res that keeps the aspect ratio corect is 960x600 - which is rediculously huge and nothing fits on the screen, lol.
Are there any good 3rd-party drivers or tricks for getting alternate resolutions, something like 1120x700?
Or even 1152x768, which some cards offer, wouldn't be bad, although a bit out of ratio (1.5 vs 1.6)...
It's not really a driver issue so much as the actual screen since it has a fixed number of pixels. You can change the resolution in the display properties, but reducing it to anything besides its native 1280x800 will result in images becoming a little fuzzy, although larger.
OK, for the record, here was my solution.
After much digging around, only option I found was with a 3rd party program called PowerStrip.
PS is popular w/ alot of teh gaming community b/c it lets you lock refresh rates at a particular value for any program, overriding Windows defaults etc.
PowerStrip has an option of defining custom scan rates and resolutions; you have to be f=careful b/c you can define *anything*, regardless of what your card/display can actually do. Fortunately it has a default safety keyset so you can undo what you screw up ;-)
Anyway, when you define custom resolutions and/or rates, it can add them directly to the base driver default list, so that they will be listed in Windows display Properties or any other programs that use thsi list. Pretty snazzy.
I'm now viewing at 1152x720, and have also added option of 1024x640 and a few others. i liek to use anotehr applet, MultiRes, which gives a tray icon to select/ switch resolutions using a single click....
Drivers for alternate/abnormal screen resolutions?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by RatLabGuy, Dec 15, 2008.