Hi I'm looking for something like newrez in ubuntu that can downscale 2560 x 1440 into a 1920x1080 laptop screen. I ran ubuntu as my host machine a few years ago but something was not working right as it was probably 10 celcius warmer than in win7. I need to find a way to get 2560 x 1440 resolution on a 1080p screen. I have the newest drivers and disabled the intel hd and when I set the custom resolution to 2560 x 1440 it just stretches things off the screen, which doesn't really accomplish much. I need it to squeeze the higher resolution into the 1080p, kind of like when Iogmein from my parents computer which is 1600x900 into my laptop (1080p) it does some virtual scaling.
I've seen the tutorials on google with the nvidia control panel and haven't had much luck. I've done this on an old netbook so I know it can work
Use xrandr in a terminal:
xrandr --output "your panel output" --scale 1.3333x1.3333 -
For more information on HiDPI Linux desktop you can always refer to this LWN article: High-DPI displays and Linux [LWN.net] .
Downscaling resolution on w520 win7/win8, or newrez in ubuntu
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by jedisurfer1, Dec 23, 2014.