All of the sudden my laptop decided to use it's screensaver and logon after it's screensaver when pluged in. Before this the screen use to just stay on and after like 15 minutes it went black and I would have to move my mouse.
Is it good to have the screensaver then the logon after that?
This has never happened before..
Try this.....
Right-click on Desktop > Personalization > Screen Saver > Uncheck "On resume, display logon screen" -
screensaver is good if you don't like dead pixel. logon after screensaver is good if you are not the only one near the laptop. -
Agreed. I keep this feature enabled and set the screensaver threshold to 5 minutes. On a ThinkPad, logging in is literally just a swipe of the finger away, so it doesn't bother me at all. I consider it a really nice security feature.
Does your T61/T400 display screensaver when plugged in.
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by BNHabs, Nov 8, 2008.