I think what I want is a thinkpad. But how are the screens?
Do they have a good viewing angle? Are they comfortable to look at? Is there a big risk of getting one with pixel error(s)?
And I am talking about models not too old ofcourse, from within this or last year.
brightview/crystalvier/truebrite/... called?
my screen is worse than my 19 inch CRT Monitor with Radeon 9800. It is:
60 hz refresh rates
can't display text properly when I scroll
Small view angle
Good side:
Free of dead pixel
wide range of contrast
Is this normal in laptop industry?
System: R52 14.1 inch -
FlexView is a good screen, the rest are average at best.
The FlexView is a very good screen, but it only offered on 15" mid-level on up ThinkPads. Ther is a risk of dead pixels on all laptops.
I know there is also a risk, but some manufactorers do their work a little better, so you would expect fewer of them.
I have no idea what FlexView is. Wich models have it? Is that the shiny type, lige truebrite and that stuff? -
FlexView is the same as Brite-Whatever but without the reflective coating. Look at the specs for different Thinkpads, it will say it. AFAIK it only comes in 15" 1400x variants but I could be wrong.
What do you mean about the scrolling issue? I don't see any problem with mine, but then again, this is the only laptop I've owned, so maybe I'm just used to it. If by any chance the scrolling is very rough, it's most likely the graphics card's driver's problem.
Doesn't IBM have a screens with the reflective coating though? I do prefer that, even though it's not too important.
I see there are some 14.1 inch ones with flexview too. -
what i meant about the scroll was, when i scrolled down with mouse (qucik scroll), the text wouldl become blur. -
No reflective coating on Thinkpads but that might change soon as Lenovo will push them into consumer market rather than professional.
Regarding the blur, all IPS screen (Sony/Tosh etc) have slower response times that the normal TFT's. -
Oh yeah, my screen blurs considerably when scrolling. It's not a huge problem for me, though, as I don't usually read while scrolling at the same time.
yeah, i am adapting to it as well as the display.
I just bought a thinkpag r50e, and I am very disapointet about the screen. That's probably one of the worst screens I've seen on a laptop. I returned it right away. Black was no where close to black and light was really uneven. Now I am wondering if they all have screens that lousy!
Well, the R50e is the lowest laptop IBM make, so no wonder they might have used a cheap screen.
IBMs regular screens are average.
And wich models have IBM's regular screens?
Now I am looking at an ThinkPad R52 1858. Any experiences with the screen on that? -
I refering to the non-flexview screens. I had a 14" screen T41 with a regular screen. Like most matte screens, as you turn off center, the screen darkens. The Flexview is brighter with better contrast and wide viewing angles. The FlexView is available on the R series, It only comes on the 15" though.
Does thinkpads have good screens?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by jespero, Sep 3, 2005.