Title pretty much explains it all.
ComradeQuestion Notebook Consultant
It most definitely does NOT have a mSATA slot. That one died with the *30 lineup.
It just seems like sometimes when Lenovo gets a great idea, it lasts a generation or two, but then fizzles out without an explanation or idea why. The custom installation option for the T61 era ThinkPads would be an example of this. I believe the T540p does have the M.2 SSD. I don't know much about them, but heard it's hard to get them above 128GB. Perhaps that's changed. There's a good thread here about the M.2 SSDs and the T440 you might want to brush up on.
huntnyc likes this. -
Lenovo mainly used mSATA for Cache SSDs, not for boot-drives - they still do that with M.2.
MyDigitalSSD Announces World's First 256GB SATA M.2 2242 SSD -- Computex 2014 Update | The SSD Review
Transcend Introduces Newest M.2 SSD Series -
ComradeQuestion Notebook Consultant
So, to confirm, the t540p does have an M2? Can this drive be used for cache?
ComradeQuestion Notebook Consultant
No one... really said if ithas it or not, just that M2 is better. :|
The tabook says some T540s have M.2 SSDs and that it's exclusive with WWAN, which I'd assume means they share the same slot and you can't have both. Perhaps the other slot is for WLAN, but I don't know much about it. Did you check the other thread I linked? There's lots of good info in there. -
Debatable, since my X220T sports a Lenovo-issued Intel 80GB mSATA SSD (added by myself), FRU 42N8259. I doubt that the SSD in question was released with an idea of being used as a cache drive.
That's all fine and well, I'd just like to see a *serious* manufacturer (Crucial/Micron, Samsung, Intel, Toshiba...) unleash a SSD in the M2 form that would be compatible with *40 series... -
Plextor Shows off M6G Line of M.2 SSDs | techPowerUp
ADATA Announces Premier Pro SP900 M.2 2242, M.2 2282, and SP910 2.5" SSDs | The SSD Review
ARK | Intel® SSD Pro 1500 Series (120GB, M.2 42mm SATA 6Gb/s, 20nm, MLC)
The last one is announced, but not yet available. -
Well, being someone who has paid the price for being an early adopter of the SSD technology, I maintain my doubts but that's a subject for a different thread.
Intel coming to the M2 market is definitely good news.
Plextor - unless I'm reading something wrong from the link that you've included - is in the "incorrect" format for the *40 series, which I believe feature a 42mm slot. Feel free to correct me, since you have a T440s and I don't.
Transcend...thanks, but no thanks.
ADATA is another welcome addition.
Thanks for sharing the news. Things are definitely starting to look better in this respect. -
ComradeQuestion Notebook Consultant
So does anyone actually have the computer and know if it has the M2?
All new ThinkPads come with a 42mm M.2 slot - that includes of course the T540p.
ComradeQuestion Notebook Consultant
Excellent, thank you very much.
Does the t540p have an m2 or mSATA slot?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ComradeQuestion, Jun 15, 2014.