Because, SD is all I need, and I'll pass on the media card slot if I can have the Expresscard slot and just SD.
Can anyone provide some insight to this? Thanks.
according to the review it has 1 PC Card Slot, 1 ExpressCard slot (optional media card reader and Smart Card reader) and on the config page for the 14.1 inch t61, the options are
YOu can also try a pcmcia(pc card) or express card Memory Card Adapter -
unfortunately, you cannot configure it to have an express card slot and an sd card reader (thats what I want, and probably what most people want). just get an express card adapter. you can always change an express card into different things, but you can't change an sd card reader into something else.
I was just wondering, as apparently the X61s has both an Expresscard slot and an SD reader, figured Lenovo might do the same for the T61. Thanks. -
I believe the T61 15.4" has the memory card slot in the back and comes standard on all.
Then you have choice between:
PC Card Slot & Media Card Slot
PC Card Slot & Smart Card Slot -
I have access to some leaked information/pics for the thinkpads (these were posted on the thinkpad forum):
I was actually wrong about the media card slot... It's on the front, not the back. Any way, same difference only better.
Here are the pics:
14.1" on top / 15.4" on bottom:
All of these pics in the above two posts were out on May 23. Just showing you what I found. I think they are legit, but it's up to you to decide for yourself. -
Hey, I'd sooner prefer the occasional slipup happen, than people be tightlipped altogether.
Does the T61 with the Expresscard slot come with an SD card slot?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by orangelounge, Jun 3, 2007.