Hi, I just wanted to ask if someone could check and see if the Thinkpad T61 has the TI firewire chipset or the Ricoh firewire chipset. I was seriously considering the T61 for pro audio use but unless it has the TI chipset I will have to look elsewhere. If anyone could do this for me I would appreciate it alot. Thanks!
My T61 has "RICOH OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller"
Mine just says "OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller"
The Ricoh component does the card reader, firewire, and pc card stuff. It's an all-in-one solution.
If you must have TI, I think the expresscard firewire adapters by SIIG are TI chipsets. I know the desktop/PCI cards are TI.
Does the T61 have a TI firewire chipset?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by eoneel, Jan 27, 2008.