I understand that Active Protection System is on some thinkpad models only. I'm i right? does those include thinkpad X32?
thank you.
Yes, the APS is included on the X32. In fact, I can't think of a ThinkPad release that doesn't have this.
one more question.
if i upgrade the harddisk, does active protection system still work?
it is only software or are there some hardware components in APS? -
I think it still works as long as the software is installed. Could ask IBM, they'll know for sure.
Sorry, but i think you are not right. i have read the tabook.pdf of X32 and X41 model. on X41 model it said that it has Active Protection System, but X32 didn't, as shown below:
X41: Disk
40GB8 or 60GB (4200 rpm), 9.5mm, ATA-100 / 1.8" platter / removable and upgradable /
9.5mm high bay / Active Protection System (shock protection)
X32: Disk
40GB8 (HS 5400 rpm) or 60GB (HS 5400 rpm), 9.5mm, ATA-100 /
removable and upgradable / 9.5mm high bay
from: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/pc/pcinstitute/psref/tabook.pdf -
i'm i right? please, anyone let me know.
@RT, I've sent an email to Lenovo to see what they say, the APS is software based and not hardware so you can swap a harddrive and it will not affect things. I can't imagine they wouldn't put it in the X32, a business machine. I'll let you know what I hear.
Thanks abaxter. i'd love to hear from you soon.
The X32 does *not* have the active protection system. I own an X32 and can positively say that it does not.
well I knew factus8 had the X32 and he's fast on the draw, so there's your answer.
thanks, you all.
i'm very disappointed that X32 didn't have. i think it will protect HD a lot from causing bad sectors.
It really doesn't have the active hard drive protection system? That really sucks, although I guess that makes my choice of laptop rather easier.
I really abused the APS on my T42. -
"The active protection system uses a combination of hardware and software components. The hardware component is a motion detector, or accelerometer, embedded in the motherboard which continually senses system orientation and movement. The software component receives and interprets signals from the accelerometer, differentiates between potentially harmful movements and repetitive motion, and signals the hard drive to stop when a potentially damaging event is predicted."
and on page 1:
"The active protection system functions only with the 2.5″ hard disk drive provided by IBM due to special customization."
sounds terrible? And i don't know what "hard disk drive provided by IBM" means as well as "special customization"? i don't know how to ask ibm/lenovo because i didn't own one, so if anyone can help answer my question, please?
thank you. -
The APS uses software and hardware soldered to the motherboard called an accelerometer that detects motion. If the accelerometer detects excessive motion, the software interprets this and tells the hard drive head to "park" (stop reading or writing data). Every hard drive has the ability to park the head, so any hard drive will work as long as you have the software and a ThinkPad that has the accelerometer hardware on board. There's nothing magical going on in the hard drive, it just responds to what it is told to do, same as any hard drive.
By the way, Lenovo sent an email back to me and said the IBM X30 series (X30, X31, X32 ...) will never have APS installed, don't ask me why, they say they will keep updating the series and not kill it but that it will never have APS. It must just not be compatible with their design approach for this model, or it's a way for them to differentiate the X40 series. -
Any news on a X33 refresh? Will it have the same chassis?
I'm about to jump on a X32 through but lack of APS is making me pause...especially when an X40 is only about 15 dollars more expensive.
Which one should I go for?
X32, 1.6Ghz, 40GB 5400rpm, 256MB, 6cell batt
X40, 1.4Ghz LV, 20GB 4200rpm, 256MB, 4cell batt (BT optional +$40)
Remember, the price difference is only 15 dollars between the two (55 if BT is included). The 20GB capacity doesn't really bother me since I barely used 30GB on my main computer (Thinkpad will be a secondary PC for traveling). The X40 isn't substantially slower than the X32 at this price point although the HD is slow and battery life is about 1/2 of the X32. Any thoughts? -
As a secondary, I recommend the X40.
I'm personally waiting until I've got enough money together for a 2884-A2U (which I'm fairly sure is the X32 you're looking at).
Does X32 has active protection system?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by @RT, Sep 16, 2005.