I have a 2008 W500 still going strong, and I want to look into the new W line but I just wanted to find out if anyone knows whether or not TP Fan control will work on the new models. My current thinkpad has basically been on since the day I got it, minus some short time here or there. I feel like keeping it cool has probably helped a great deal (currently it's at 36c).
Thanks in advance.
Yes it does work on the new thinkpads. I am using the software on my Thinkpad w550s.
Awesome- thanks. BTW are you using a cooler also do you feel like it is not needed?
No I don't use a cooler, if you get the the 6 cell battery it will elevate the laptop a little bit where you don't need a cooler. The only time the fan will turn on if I am watching a HD movie or playing a video game. This laptop stays cool an silent most of the time.
On my W520 it would put the laptop to hibernate at random. Apparently that was because it doesn't work nice nice together with Thinkpad Power Manager;
somewhere near bottom
Works fine on my X240.
Does TP Fan Control work on newer thinkpads?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MastahRiz, May 5, 2015.