if optical drive and battery removed for reduced weight? have any modules to fill in the holes to prevent dust?
Such things are very popular in china. is it the same in us?
I think I saw somewhere they were discontinued though you could probably get one on the internet.
what are these called officially?
I donnt know. I just translate it directly from Chinese.
they're called travel bezels, and they were available for T40-series not t60. So they're discountinued now (along with the t43). Some ppl find them on the internet and have put them in the T60 tho the shape is wrong and it fits but not exactly, also it's curved so it looks kinda kooky in your T60.
12 years ago the internet and forums and usenet used to be full of serious ppl, because it cost $10,000+ to buy a computer to get on the net.
Now it costs $300 and every kid is online. Sigh. -
what you mean!
It means you are a non-serious kid because you translate stuff from Chinese.
I am so confused.......
They're just kidding you (and jealous they don't understand Chinese.)
American humor can be brutal at times.
RockyP -
美国你们没见过的东西多了 too
很多中國、美國、香港,英國,德國,法國,瑞典… 等
的東西我也有、見過。那又如何?平常得很的說! -
The fit might be off, but it's the same part number listed for other T series models, and it's still in the HMM. It is discontinued though. -
and I still need one...
Is today "Bring Back Old Threads" Day?
Is it? I thought it was "Don't be an ass and repost" day.
This was a recent thread too. -
Well, there are soooo many different bezels out there I thought it prudent to search the part number rather than the general description and come up with the wrong thread.
(Posted purely for clarification. Lock if necessary) -
Try some American Elmer's glue. =)
Forget the bezel, you shouldn't be using a computer anywhere near dust anyway. -
The X61s I reviewed came with a travel bezel. The X and T use the same bay. Perhaps you could use the one for the X.
This may be of interest:
http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?t=43161 -
Clearly it was.
I just hope I was quick enough. If not, then I'm really SOL.
Does T61 have weight-reducing module?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by universalid, May 29, 2007.