I placed my order for a T61 on Saturday 5/26 and today (5/28) I noticed the base price dropping by $45 and the memory (2 GB - 2 DIMM) also dropping by $45.
Can I ask Lenovo for a price adjustment?
Or if not, will they allow me to cancel and re-order?
Of course they are CLOSED today ... aaggghhhh
yes, you can adjust the price but only once. Also, if you adjust the price before shipping the shipping date will be pushed back. I was instructed to create a price quote. Save the customer number and order number of the quote, and then call back to get the price adjusted when my computer ships.
The same computer I got for $1,605 is $1,447 now. -
If you worked through a sales rep they might be able to adjust the price. But if you ordered online, the only option I know of is to cancel your current order and reorder.
grr!! where is the option to cancel the order? or do I have to call them up?
Cool, thanks for the advice. It's about 38 bucks cheaper now, I'll save that, but we'll see what deals they have after memorial day too.
Yowsers. The prices did drop.
Can anyone confirm that the price match option does or does not work for online purchases?
I hate to be an "i told you so"... but I've posted on here that there was a price drop coming AND that another better sale still was coming in the summer. LOL So if you can wait, you'll get better pricing and better selection in the summer sale.
Yeah, but today should've been included in the Memorial Day sale leading up to today. I had no idea they'd drop them even lower on the actual holiday itself. Will the price go back up tomorrow?
How can they adjust the price if they are closed?
You have to create the exact same configurations as your order and your price quote will be good for 1 month. You can adjust it to that price within that 1 month as long as you keep record of the customer # and order # of the quote. -
Prices will be lower in the summer sale and there's expected to be more models to choose from then
So I created a price quote with the same configuration as my actual order and it is $113 cheaper today than it was 5/9. How do I get the lower price on my actual order now?
you phone with your order# and quote#. dont cancel & re-order, or you go to the back of the shipping queue.
Just my .02 as an ibm employee/insider.
actually, if i was you, i'd cancel that order and do a legitimate order using the lower prices now. PRobaly pretty similar bottom lines in both cases.
Or wait for the bigger sale coming in july. -
by the way, bryan is a very young looking sales support clerk in glendale california, not the ibm s/w architect.
If I end up cancelling this order, I will take your advice and wait because the only reason why I pulled the trigger was the EPP opportunity. Fatwallet, Tailormade, and student pricing will stick around for a long time and I've never, ever seen prices for laptops go up. -
As i've said before, i really dont know what will happen .
I do know ppl have done this before with no problem, but somethimes the company has confirmed the sale with the employee.
I'm just saying, you could cancel that order and re-order with today's price drop... and the bottom line would be reasonably similar.
And if you wait til july, the customer sale price will likely be lower than today's epp price (depending what you get exactly). -
Wait, how is my order tainted? Or is that someone else?
So I should only call in the price quote to get the lower price only after I get the laptop? Why can't I just tell them now and have them credit my card without having to wait for it to arrive. If it indeed does not ship until 8/30, my price quote won't be any good because it will have expired.
You can call tomorrow and get them to adjust the price, but you will only be allowed to do it once. -
When did skibunny hint about a price drop during this sale? I only remember him talking about the July sale.
Also, regarding price quotes, is it possible that I can keep making price quotes month after month to ensure that I don't miss out on a sale? lol
For instance, if prices go up after this sale, can I buy with the Memorial Day sale price at the end of June? -
I called and gave the guy the quote number for the reduced price and he said he would save it in my records and they will look into it when the laptop ships out and apply a credit after the fact.
So could I theoretically purchase a T61p when it comes out and then price match it to the supposed big sale in July?.. because that would be pretty cool!
..and is there a limit to when a price match may not be used anymore? (ex. like 30 days after recieved or something)
Called for reconfig and price quote for the ending day sale
You'll be credited after! ESD was 5/29 *cough* i mean 8/30 now new one 6/18.
For those that ordered 5/9-? plz do post when it ever shipps out. -
I tried the quote for kicks and it wont even email to me. Lenovo has a great website and service!
Does Lenovo allow price adjustments?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by cflutist, May 28, 2007.