When I unboxed my Intel 320 series SSD, it came with a relatively large sticker shaped like a parallelogram with rounded edges emblazoned with the words "Speed Demon", the Intel logo, and a link to Intel's official SSD product page.
I ended up sticking it on the center of my T420's lid. If I could take some pictures right now, I would, but I think most people know what they look like.
Do you put stickers on your Thinkpad? I do if it looks nice. Of course, it does look mildly cheesy, but I daresay most people wouldn't care.
Nope, but I put the same sticker (Speed Demon) on the back of my chair though.. lol.
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
To the contrary, I removed the stickers on my ThinkPad Z61t's and T60.
Always love the 8 year old Toshiba with the Apple sticker on it. -
No, I take stickers off.
I too have those SSD stickers but I leave the ThinkPad as it is to be honest. Normally I just leave the standard stickers on which is the Intel CPU logo, Windows OS and the Energy Star logo. Only my T420 is the exception as I had to get a new palmrest which meant that I was able to have the plain look.
I generally keep stickers on my laptop. On my desktop. I put all the stickers that come with the components on the case as well, but the Intel SSD sticker is obnoxiously large.
btw, @Tsunade. lol. -
I remove all stickers from my laptops as soon as I get them. Was thinking of putting on a "BIOHAZARD" sticker that I borrowed from the lab, but I figured the OSHA inspectors may not take kindly to it...
I put a huge Monster Energy sticker on my T61. The only reason I did it was because about 500 other people at my college had the same exact laptop. Made it a little easier to pick out in a crowd....
All other laptops I have/had are stickerless. (Did I just make up a new word?)
With all my recent purchase I have remove the sticker. I don't like to be a walking advertisement for computer companies. Sometime I wish my laptop would ship without any branding at all.
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
No, I don't put stickers and remove all that come with the machine. I think they detract from my ThinkPad's sombre and funeral look - looks which appeal to me.
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
I left my T410s ones on as I knew I was gonna resell/trade it later on. That being said for all my other non-ThinkPad laptops I leave alone. They either fall off on their own or stick like white on rice. Though all my Vostro 1500 stickers fell off due to some extremely sweaty palms due to gaming in college..
I just leave the CPU/GPU/Windows sticker on it. The Windows one may be coming off soon and being replaced with a Linux sticker of some kind. Just a little tired of Windows. 15 years with the same OS base... bleh
I used to plaster my old PowerBook G4 with stickers years ago, but my laptops now are relatively sticker-free.
I did put that "Speed Demon" sticker on my MBP when I put my Intel 320 Series SSD in it. Aside from that, nothing else, so far. -
I have a lid sticker from a T60 on my R60e to cover a few blemishes on the lid. It doesn't quite line up, but mostly looks pretty good.
I always leave every factory sticker on my laptops. My T61 still has the factory yellow tape on the lower left hand side lol.
I would never put any stickers on my W520. I like the professional looks of the laptop and plan on keeping it that way. I agree with other posters that the Speed Demon sticker that came with the 320 SSD is way too big. Only stickers allowed on my laptop are the "factory-installed" ones (CPU, OS, Lenovo EE 2.0).
Maybe when I feel like getting a new laptop in 3-5 years, I might sell this W520 and use the money to help pay for a T550 or whatever's out. -
I had a professor ask me about SSDs a bit ago when he saw the Speed Demon sticker on my MBP. He was shopping around and we talked shop for a while.
Maybe I made him a new Intel customer...
As for case badges, I love them. When I got my T61 it had no badges, so I put a Core 2 Duo and an Nvidia Quadro badge on it:
@formerglory: Just curious, but where would one buy these badges? They're not exactly something you could buy off a sticker sheet at Bestbuy or whatever. I take it you printed yours out?
I'm pretty sure you can buy those sort of stickers from places such as eBay.
yes you can buy these stickers quite cheaply on ebay (if you are into this sort of thing). I had a desktop in high school that had 30 different intel stickers on it, it looked at the time, but in hindsight it was not so pretty to cram so many irrelevant stickers on the desktop plastic facia.
No stickers on mine, indirectly forced to remove it. I purchased the X220T, with my own money, for use at my work. The problem is that I work for a company that competes with Intel, so I get a lot of weird looks and jokes for using an Intel system. But the reality is that they are all jealous.
JohnsonDelBrat Notebook Evangelist
Like my snowboard, I don't put stickers on my computer. Unless you have a slick custom design sticker, I tend to think it makes certain stuff look cheap and cheesy. I've seen some custom stickers on snowboard decks that I've always thought would look great on computers.
You should post a pic... or better yet turn this thread into a "Sticker'd Thinkpad's" thread. I'd like to see some stuff people put together. -
Though I have not removed the stickers that came on my ThinkPad, I have not added any either. I do not intend to add any stickers in the future.
Do you put stickers on your Thinkpad?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by XX55XX, Oct 8, 2011.