I remember reading somewhere on the Lenovo website that there's a specific order that you should install your drivers in to ensure that they all end up working properly. I can't seem to find this information again though, so I was hoping someone here might know more about this, or whether it's really even needed.
It does matter. Here are both install guides for XP and Vista.
Windows XP:
Windows Vista:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=144783&highlight=stallen's+vista+guide -
look for stallens guide.
here is one of the latest guides
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=335198 -
Chipset -> video -> ethernet -> everything else -
I see those lists, but what's the reasoning behind going in that order? I can understand installing the chipset drivers first, but where is everyone getting the rest of the list from? As far as I can tell, it's not something that was copied/pasted from lenovo's site, or is it?
Install Video after Chipset because it makes installing everything else easier for yourself.
If you do stray from the clean install guides, just remember (aside from chipset -> graphics -> ethernet) that drivers should always be installed for hardware before any associated management tools (e.g. install your WWAN device driver before the GPS application). Aside from that, most of the order is at least a somewhat logical progression, and slight variation should not cause too big a problem, but it's likely your safest bet to stick to the order depicted in the clean install guides.
My order:
Chipset - AHCI driver - Video - Audio - WLAN - LAN - Mouse - Power Management - Power Manager - Hotkey
Do drivers need to be installed in any specific order?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MastahRiz, Mar 13, 2009.