I'm really looking into a T61p in the future, but I have some questions about it..
Display choices:
Currently on Lenovo's site there is a choice between WSXGA+ (1680x1050) and WUXGA (1920x1200)--I hear that both of these displays are quite dim and have various other problems; any improvement on that front? Also is there any possibility of getting a display with a lower resolution? (1680x1050 seems way too small for me on a 15.4" screen. I also wanted Nvidia card for future proofing, though I don't expect to be playing games on this thing)
Guest Checkout:
Is it more of a hassle to use this instead of making an account? If you opted for an extended warranty is it tied to something else? (e.g. a service tag or serial number)
I hear a lot of good things about the Thinkpad line (especially in terms of reliability and durability) but worry about customer service and talk about bad screens. So any recent experience from people here is very helpful.
Well mostly every conversation that you will ever hear and take to your heart are bad comments, generally people don't go out and say omg my thinkpad is so awesome. But honestly, there will be a bad experience here or there and it will be expressed on these very forums, but you have to take it with a grain of salt. I can't personally comment on this on my own as I have just received my thinkpad, but so far so good. Yes, the screen might be darker than a normal glossy system but hey there isn't any glare. Also, to delve back on topic there is a Thinkpad Appreciation Thread here, so whatever you choose good luck with it but remember no business is perfect.
ThinkPad Appreciation Thread is in my signature OP. Always research both sides of the story before making a purchase.
Display Options, Guest Checkout/Customer Service
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by guardian653, Dec 27, 2007.